Australian Bushfoods Conference 2023

Australian Bushfood Conference 2023 May 27th – 28th on sale now!
Design and Development of Urban Landscapes for Bush Food Production

We invite you to attend the Australian Bushfoods Conference to honour the First Australians who had a wide range of uses for these plants including sustenance and medicine.

The Countdown is on; make sure to get in quick to get your discounted early bird ticket. Offer ends 30th April. Are you a bushfood producer? Display your bushfood products at our associated expo of products free of charge. For more

Conference Venue:
4808-4822 Mount Lindesay Highway, North Maclean QLD 4280

Registration Fees
Early Bird Registration by 30th April – $200 (closed)
Registration from 1st May – $225
Sponsored Bushfood Producer** – $100
Dinner 6pm Saturday at venue – $35
Pre-Conference Tour Friday 26th – $50
**For producers who sustained flood damage to their crops.

Sponsored participants – growers who faced hardships due to floods in the last two years can apply for assistance to attend the conference on both days.

Application for the sponsored discount will be on a case-by-case basis and is to be sent to the Chair – Rod Drew by email at

Display your bushfood products at the associated “Expo of Products” during the conference. Book your table with Naren:

Conference Registration 8.30am 27th May 2023
The conference ends Sunday 28th May 2023 at 3.00pm
Payment Method: Bank: Commonwealth Bank Australia
ATAC Bushfoods BSB 064-203 Account number 1071 3488

Hosted by Queensland Bushfood Association & Australian Technology and Agricultural College and supported by The Australian Institute of Horticulture.

Free camping available for 3 nights at Tully Memorial Park situated 800m from Conference venue. Note: camping in tents is not permitted.


Friday  26th Optional Tour
Limpinwood Gardens Wholesale Nursery, Limpinwood, NSW.
Visit to Spirit of Australia Gallery – Surfers Paradise

Saturday 27th
8:00 – 8:30 Conference Registration
8:30 – Opening – Professor Rod Drew
8.30 – First Nation “Welcome to Country” – Ms. Paula Nohot
8.45 – 8.55 Welcome by Deputy Mayor of Logan City Council, Cr. Laurie Koranski
9:00 – 9:45 Brenden Moore – First Nations Community Greening Officer; The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney. “Connection to Aboriginal people and plants and common use”
9:45 – 10:30 Gerry Turpin – Manager, Tropical Indigenous Centre, James Cook University.
“Bush tucker project with 3 different communities”
10:30 – 11:00  Morning Tea Exhibition & Networking
11:00 – 11:30 Jade King has a passion for soil chemistry, plant physiology, entomology and all things agricultural and will answer all your questions on Finger Limes.
11:30 – 12:00  Attila Kapitany  “Australian Edible Succulent Plants”
12:00 – 12:15  Vinesh Prasad – Manager of Banyula – Integration of Macadamia, Finger Limes, Davidson Plums, Beef cattle and plant nutrition

12:15 – 12:30 Angela Seng-Williams -Head of Engagement and Advocacy, Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch, Exhibition & Networking
1:30 – 2:00 Dick Copeman – “Northey St City Farm’s efforts to work with First Nations people”
2:00 – 2:30 Sophie Ader – Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, QAAFI, Uni of Qld
Examples of successful Indigenous-led native botanical value chains.”
2:30 – 3:00 Dr Ian Cock, Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security Griffith University
Anti-inflammatory properties of Kakadu plum fruit and leaf extracts”
3:00 – 3:30pm Afternoon Tea Exhibition & Networking
3:30 – 4:00 Jude Mayall – President of Qld Bushfood Association and owner of Outback Chef and Wild Food Farm on Philip Island. Culinary uses of bushfoods

4:00-4:30 Paula NihotLocal plants – Ecological knowledges, story and language”

4:30 – 5:30 Panel Discussion / questions – All Speakers from Saturday: Audience Interaction
6:30pm Dinner – Digeridoo performance by Brenden Moore.


Sunday 28th
8:00 – 8:30 Conference Registration
8:30 Welcome Dr Narendra Nand
8:30 – 9:00 Mark Tucek – “Tucker Bush, how it started and where it is now”
9:00 – 9:30 Dr. Andrew Pengelly – Indigenous Plants for Health “Eat your native greens”

9:30 – 10:00 Madhukar Padma Kalvva – “Galeru Bushfoods Property and Sovereign Foods”
10:00  – 10:30 Morning Tea.  Exhibition & Networking
10:30 –  12:00 Australian Institute of Horticulture – Green Walls and Rooftop Gardens using bushfood plants presented by Michael Casey, immediate Past President of AIH and Clarence Slockee, Director, Jiwah Pty Ltd
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch and Exhibition
1:30 – 2:00 Russell Stanford –  Correctional Officer, Palen Creek Correctional Centre.
Grafting Kakadu Plums onto a Sea Almond rootstock
2:00 – 2:30 Alan Knight – “Plant ID”

2:30 – 3:30: Panel Discussion / questions with Speakers – Audience Interaction
Chair: Professor Rod Drew
3:30 Close


Brenden Moore – First Nations Community Greening Officer, The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney.

Brenden has qualifications in Horticulture, Aboriginal Studies, and Community and Social Development. He uses his skills and experience to inspire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and schools to reconnect with nature and the environment and learn about native plants, bush regeneration, gardening, health and wellbeing.

Gerry Turpin – Manager, Tropical Indigenous Ethnobotany Centre, James Cook University.

Gerry is a Mbabaram man from North Qld and a renowned Ethnobotanist, He has worked with many Traditional Owner groups on Cape York and other parts of Queensland. He has a strong cultural commitment to facilitating effective partnerships that support Indigenous communities to protect, manage and maintain their cultural knowledge on the use of plants.

Sophie Ader – Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, QAAFI, Uni of Qld

Sophie has worked in partnership with Indigenous communities to collaboratively design and codeliver projects which meet communities’ selfidentified aspirations and needs, forming long term relationships which span more than a decade.
Sophie will talk on case studies of successful indigenous owned & led native botanical supply chains.

Jude Mayall – President of Qld Bushfood Association and owner of Wild Food Farm, Victoria.

Chef Jude Mayall is passionate about native foods and flavours. In her work with indigenous artists over many years, she has gained precious knowledge about the harvesting and gathering of native bush foods and the importance of looking after the land. She will talk about the culinary uses of bushfoods.

Dr Ian Cock – Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security Griffith University

Ian is a regular speaker at previous Bush Foods conferences. He has done extensive research on Phytochemistry, Medicinal Properties, Bioactive Compounds, and Therapeutic Potential of many Australian indigenous species. Ian will talk about the medicinal use of Kakadu Plum.

Dr Andrew Pengelly – Indigenous Plants for Health

Andrew has had a 40-year career as an herbal practitioner, naturopath, lecturer, aromatherapist, researcher, field botanist and program director for several universities and colleges. He has a strong research and clinical interest in the use of Australian plants. Andrew will talk on native greens for health.

Dick Copeman – Bushfood Partnerships with First Nations. Development and management of bush foods in the urban environment. Application and use of bush foods including traditional uses and management.

Northey Street City Farm has had an evolving series of relationships and partnerships with First Nations people and groups, including around bush foods. This presentation will outline what we have learnt from this history and describe our current efforts to develop a lasting partnership that will potentially include sharing of knowledge and skills, co-management of the ‘urban commons’ and development of social enterprises around bush foods.

Russell Stanford – Correctional Officer, Palen Creek Correctional Centre

Russell will give a talk on his experiment with grafting Kakadu Plum onto Sea Almond

Paula Nihot

Paula is a descendant of Susan of the Namoi in the Gamilaraay language region. Paula has extensive project management experience and utilises her visual art skills to communicate with audiences. Paula is a trusted community member who supports a range of cultural activities including bush tucker education sessions and Yugambeh Youth Aboriginal Corporation activities. Passionate about community participatory processes, Paula has facilitated and evaluated evidence based preventative health projects including the Gold Coast Fever Clinic survey, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Focus Group discussions and Galagir ngaurai (youth speak) health and wellbeing.


Attila Kapitany

Attila specialises in arid, semi-arid (dry climate) succulent plants that cover 70%of the continent. These are primary food and water sources for indigenous people in arid regions. He will be showing an extraordinary range of edible succulent plants, some of which have never been considered in the bushfood industry. Also some of the latest University research findings about a few of these plants that are certain to excite. A new and very different perspective about these plants will be explored for their potential as food.

Mark Tucek

Mark will talk about his business Tucker Bush, how it started and where it is now.

Jade King

Jade King has a passion for soil chemistry, plant physiology, entomology and all things agricultural and will answer all your questions on Finger Limes

Vinesh Prasad – Manager of Banyula

Vinesh Prased is currently working in Byron Bay Hinterland with Banyula  (, a corporate agriculture company that has Macadamia, Finger Limes, Davidson Plums, Beef cattle, and a plant nutrition production facility (

He possesses in-depth knowledge on Sustainable Agricultural Production, Agroforestry Systems, Value Chain Studies, Climate Smart Agriculture, Nursery development, Plant propagation, Developing Farm Business plans, Livestock, Aquaculture, Apiculture, Training and Communications (Extension support).

Vinesh has served Fiji and the Pacific Region at large through Secretariat of Pacific Community (Agroforestry Specialist) and Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (Manager – Pacific Island Countries). He hails from a cane farming community in Labasa, Fiji.

Angela Seng-Williams – Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Australian Institute of Horticulture – Sunday Program

AIH Workshop on Green Walls and Rooftop Gardens using bushfood plants presented by Michael Casey, immediate Past President of AIH and Clarence Stocklee

Michael Casey – Immediate Past President, Australian Institute of Horticulture, Green Infrastructure Consultant, Designer & Educator/Horticulturist Director Evergreen Infrastructure & MJC Horticulture.

Clarence Slockee – Proud Bundjalung Man & Horticulturist.

Growing up in the lush Tweed Valley with a long family history of bushmen, farmers and fishermen, Clarence has combined his love of teaching, culture, music, dance, and the bush with his roles at the Sydney Botanic Gardens and on Gardening Australia

Book Ticket Online

Pay by direct deposit from your bank account or onsite by EFTPOS

Commonwealth Bank Australia
ATAC Bushfoods
BSB 064-203
Account number 1071 3488



ENQUIRY – Australian Bushfoods Conference 2023